19. Water Storage! (and also Human Storage!) — Alta Marfa

Alta Marfa

A Vineyard and Winery Estate in the Davis Mountains of West Texas.

19. Water Storage! (and also Human Storage!)

Progress is slowly picking up speed in the Davis Mountains. I was lucky enough to have Eilis come out on the last trip and help. Thanks Eilis!

Our first accomplishment was choosing a spot for the giant irrigation water storage tank    (28,000 gallons). The picture below is taken from where the tank will sit and looks down towards where the vines will be. By locating the tank uphill of the vineyard, gravity will be used to pressurize the drip lines with water rather than needing a pump. They water will be pumped into the tank from (hopefully) both well with solar powered pumps and then will flow out by gravity. The tank will be 26' in diameter and 7' tall. The irrigation water will leave the tank and travel through about 400' of buried pipe, from which it will make its way into the drip lines which are each themselves over 400' long. There were several times during the weekend that i had to sit down and take some deep breathes because things started to feel ridiculous as I was reminded that I really have no idea what I'm doing.

This picture is take looking down the hill from the spot where the water storage tank will be.

This picture is take looking down the hill from the spot where the water storage tank will be.

Our second big accomplishment was digging ten very precisely placed holes.  In a few weeks I will return, and with help from my dad, pour the rest of the concrete for the platform foundation for the tent to go on (human storage). As an added bonus all the lumber was delivered and the delivery guy drove his forklift off-road and dropped everything right next to where it needed to be. Very impressive forklift skills!

The soil is soooo beautiful! The volcanic zeolite clay has excellent tilth and is organic rich due to the natural cycle of the high desert grasslands over thousands of years.

The soil is soooo beautiful! The volcanic zeolite clay has excellent tilth and is organic rich due to the natural cycle of the high desert grasslands over thousands of years.

Lumber delivery for the tent platform!

Lumber delivery for the tent platform!

Off-road forklift taking the wood up to the tent spot.

Off-road forklift taking the wood up to the tent spot.

Every trip to Alta Marfa I notice a new plant, or discover a new bug or see a new bird. The diversity of flaura and fauna in the Davis Mountains is amazing. It is truly a unique and beautiful place and I believe the wine will reflect that.

This stuff is everywhere and smells amazing. It smells kinda like sage, and my be a type of sagebrush, although i haven't found any pictures that match this. If anyone has a clue, please let me know.

This stuff is everywhere and smells amazing. It smells kinda like sage, and my be a type of sagebrush, although i haven't found any pictures that match this. If anyone has a clue, please let me know.

These grow wild at the vineyard site. I have been told it is Buffalo Gourd, and that it is not for eating.

These grow wild at the vineyard site. I have been told it is Buffalo Gourd, and that it is not for eating.

A stick bug!

A stick bug!

Weirdness in Fort Davis. I have no explanation for this...

Weirdness in Fort Davis. I have no explanation for this...