13. Biggest Party Yet!
A few weeks ago Alta Marfa hosted the largest group of visitors/helpers yet! Seven of us converged for a long weekend from far off and exotic locations such as Wisconsin, New Jersey, Massachusetts and good old Houston. We had a great weekend and moved a TON of cantaloupe sized rocks off of the vineyard site and started building the foundation of a stone wall along the road. (somehow I failed to take a picture of this) I am incredibly lucky to have friends who are willing to travel to the middle of nowhere and move rocks around for a weekend to help me out. Jess, Naomi, RJ, Eilis, Promit and George, thank you!
Also! I have added some new parts to this website. Check out the words on the top of this page that say "ABOUT BLOG PHOTOS VIDEO WEATHER" you can click on each one of these words and it will lead you to a new part of the website. The ABOUT section gives a little background about the project and its origins. The BLOG section is where you are now. The PHOTOS section is the Alta Marfa Instagram feed which will show additional photos and videos that are not featured on the blog. The VIDEO page will show all of the longer videos posted on the blog with out all of the annoying words and pictures (for all of you illiterates). Finally, the WEATHER section shows what the weather station at the vineyard is reading at any given time. So if you every find yourself wondering what the weather is like at Alta Marfa, this page will tell you.
Last thing, If you have any questions about the project or you want a recommendation for a new wine to try or you want to come help move rocks around or you have a suggestion for the blog/website please comment and the end of this blog post (that way other people who have the same question can see) or send me an email, Ricky@altamarfa.com or call/txt 504-278-0625.
Naomi snapped this picture on a very windy day when we hiked to the top of the hill.
Promit had the excellent idea to bring some golf balls and a driver along and George absolutely crushed this ball! (Golf lessons finally paying off)
This is a Scarlet Beehive Cactus. . . Flowers in the Desert > Flowers other places