28. It's Time For Planting!
It's finally happening! The shipment of grapevines left California yesterday and are on their way down to Texas. I am getting ready to head out to Alta Marfa today and will be there until all the vines are in the ground. About 40 people will be joining in the fun and helping plant the vineyard. If any of you decide last minute that you just can't miss out on the fun, please let me know!
The last few months have been extremely busy trying to get everything ready, and things are almost ready.
Katie and her sister Lauren working!
We have a sign!
You can see, about a third of the holes have been dug. Need to dig about 4,000 more before the vines arrive!
These two pictures are not altered at all. Each side is a different soil at Alta Marfa. They are only about 30 feet apart in the vineyard.
This was the first auger bit that we destroyed. The teeth fell out one by one until it would drill any more.
Then we got a new bit!
And then this happened to it! Not Good! This was extremely discouraging. It's a bit designed for drilling in rocky soil. It only lasted about 1 day before it was rendered useless. We still have about 4,000 holes to make, so Im going to try using an excavator do dig the rest of them.
Here is the home made raptor deterrent vest we made for Lulu.
Found another antler up on the hill!
A cool thing we found in the vineyard! Which apparently is called Devil's Claw.
A very cool moth!
The ditch before putting in all the PVC pipe.
The ditch with all the PVC installed!
Next post will have the first vine baby pictures!